New dating ‘phenomenon’ proves traditional relationships are over

New dating ‘phenomenon’ proves traditional relationships are over


New data has revealed that women are increasingly pushing back against traditional relationship timelines and milestones. In fact, 1 in 3 women are no longer focused on achieving these societal milestones, according to the 2024 annual dating report from Bumble1[1].

The Rise of the Timeline Decline

Bumble has dubbed this shift the “timeline decline,” which is growing in momentum. Women are increasingly looking around and wondering why they feel the need to follow an outdated rule book when it comes to their dating journeys and relationship milestones. So timelines are out, and choosing your own path is in1[1].

Emotional Intimacy Over Physical Connection

Bumble’s data also shows that emotional intimacy is becoming more important than physical connection. In fact, 72% of women on Bumble are looking for a long-term relationship, but only 23% are actively seeking out marriage as a goal1[1].


The dating landscape is changing, and women are leading the charge. The rise of the timeline decline and the prioritization of emotional intimacy over physical connection are just two examples of how women are pushing back against traditional relationship norms. It will be interesting to see how these trends continue to evolve in the coming years1[1].

by Yuda Prawira


New dating ‘phenomenon’ proves traditional relationships are over

New dating ‘phenomenon’ proves traditional relationships are over
