Presidential candidate Donald Trump holds fundraiser in Beverly Hills

Presidential candidate Donald Trump holds fundraiser in Beverly Hills
Former President Trump is in Southern California for big ticket fundraisers. His first stop will be in Beverly Hills, where tickets for the event begin at $5000. Ktla's Rick Chambers joins us live from Beverly Hills, where crowds have gathered. Hi, Rick. Hi, Sherry. Yeah, we're just north of Wilshire Blvd. here in Beverly Hills. That's the home that you see behind me where the fundraiser will take place. We're expecting the Trump motorcade to come by in the next minute or so. There's been a flurry of activity out in front of that house, and you can see there that's mostly security now that's still lingering there. But as we pan more to the left, you can see the crowd that's gathering right across the street. Most of these folks are Trump supporters. They've got their flags with and their hats. There's also a guy Hawking hats out here, but we don't know how successful he's been. They've been pretty quiet to this point. But we expect once the motorcade comes by and he maybe leans out the window and waves will start hearing a little more of a vocal group out here. But this is Mr. Trump's third stop on A2 day fundraising blitz of the West Coast. Let's roll some tape that we shot within the last 45 minutes to an hour, and we'll show you what it was like outside this palatial home here in Beverly Hills. We thought about 100 people it looked like had been invited here, but they were told that they had to be here by 4:00 so they could be checked in at the front gate and then the Secret Service could talk to him and then they had to go through a metal detector before they entered the house. Mr. Trump, though, been very busy over the last 24 hours. He was in a very hot Arizona yesterday, 112° for the fundraiser he had there. Then it was on to a much cooler location. Last night he was in the Bay Area for a big fundraiser that was put on by a couple of tech bigwigs. We understand he raised about $12 million just at that one location as well. He's been doing quite well though since the post felony conviction. His campaign is saying about two to $300 million has been raised just since the verdict was read. And of course, we expect that to go up even higher after tonight's fundraiser here in Beverly Hills. We mentioned the $5000 just to get in the front door. If you kicked in another 50, you could get your picture taken with him. We understand it's about $100,000 just to sit at the same table. At the fundraiser tonight and about 1/4 of $1,000,000 if you wanted to be on Mr. Trump's inner circle. That's going to be it from Beverly Hills. We expect him to be in Newport Beach sometime tomorrow and wrapping up his tour for fundraising.


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