11-year-old adopted after living in 25 foster homes over 4 years

11-year-old adopted after living in 25 foster homes over 4 years
We've got news for you. A fourth grader in Arkansas now has a place to call home and a family to call. His 11 year old Luke Kissinger was officially adopted earlier this month after spending time in 25 foster homes over the span of four years. He joins us now along with his new parents, Cassie and Bradley. And welcome to all of you. Thank you so much, Cassie. Tell me about your decision to jump in here and give a home to Luke. So I grew up in a home that in a family that fostered and adopted, so I always wanted to adopt. When we opened our home, we started searching for the kid that would be ours. We saw a video that was done on him by Project 0, an organization here in Arkansas, and immediately knew that he was ours. So we started working to bring him home. Bradley, what was it like to invite him to come into your home? You have a 14 year old girl and an 11 year old boy. Honestly, it was nerve wracking to to get started, but as soon as he got in it, it was like it was supposed to be. I mean it, there's been no, no doubt since day one. So, so Luke, let's hear from you. When you found out that you have had a forever family after those many years in foster care and all those different homes, what did you feel? Well, I felt really amazed because I know that this is going to be forever. And I really just wanted to grip my mind around that I would actually be here forever because the four years of me being in foster here, I never thought that forever was a thing anymore. And so I'm like, hey, this would be a good fit for me. So I'm just shocked how it actually works out. And now you have a brother and a sister. They are really good as in like they're one of the best brothers and sisters I ever had. Cassie, for people who are wondering about fostering children or or adopting, any words of advice for people to think about it? Maybe you search out an organization or just any sort of tips for people because this kind of love, it just keeps growing. And you might actually, you know, find yourself in this situation again. So if there's anything that I could say, it would be just go for it. There are organizations all over the country. I work for one called The Call in Arkansas, and we work to recruit Foster and adopted families, and there are organizations in every state that do the same thing. It's not an easy Rd. for us as foster parents, but it's an even harder Rd. for these kids that have been bounced around in foster care. They need somewhere that's stable. They need somewhere that's loving. And for kids like Luke who can't reunify with their biological families, they need a forever home, someone that's going to walk through life with them, be there for the first time, they drive, be there for graduation when they get married. And they should have a family that walks alongside them through life like that and not have to do it on their own. I want to get a comment from each of you again, Bradley, any thought, any additional thoughts to what Cassie just said? Yeah, Like she said, man, just go for it. You know, it's don't, don't let any sort of doubt or or fear or anything like that get in your way. The thoughts ever cross your mind, just go with it, go with your gut feeling. The number of kids out there that need a forever home or just some love. And Luke, what are your big plans for the summer? Well, a lot going on for football on really just excited about playing on the team because it's been a while since I've played sports. You're a beautiful family and we thank you so much. The Kissinger family, thank you. Thank you.
  • https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/11-year-old-adopted-after-living-in-25-foster-homes-over-4-years/vi-BB1mVvmw?ocid=00000000


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