‘How can I stop my mentally ill daughter wasting her inheritance?’

‘How can I stop my mentally ill daughter wasting her inheritance?’ 'My daughter has mental health issues – how can I make sure my will provides for her?'

Dear Gary,

Sadly, one of my adult children has severe mental health issues, including schizophrenia. She has medication, but this does not stop her from spending all her available funds (from benefits), and asking me and her father for more money.

How can we provide for her in our wills? Specifically, in terms of preventing her from spending what is likely to be a reasonably large inheritance very quickly, if left to her own devices? Would a trust be expensive?


Dear Debbie,

Sadly, your dilemma is shared by many parents and grandparents who have similar worries about their family members. They, like you, wish to treat the family member concerned fairly and on a par with others in the family who do not have the same issues, but do not know how best to achieve it.

The good news is that you are thinking about this now, and therefore have the opportunity to put arrangements in place which can achieve what you are seeking.

As you allude to, a trust is the legal structure to make this happen. A trust is a device under which defined property is held by defined responsible persons, aka trustees, on behalf of defined persons to benefit, aka beneficiaries.

In this case, the trust could be created under the terms of your will. If so, it would come into force only at your death. How the trust is to work would be defined in your will, which would, in effect, be the governing document for the trust.

It would therefore be your will which states what assets are to go into trust, who will be the trustees, and who will be the beneficiary or beneficiaries.

The trust property will be the share of your estate, which on death you wish your daughter to have the benefit of. You do not say if you have other children, so depending on that it may be all of it or a defined percentage share.

The decision as to who to name as trustees is crucial, and requires deep thought. It is crucial because you are trusting them to fulfil your desire to support your daughter, in the way you would yourself if you were still here.

On a very practical level the trustees should be persons you think will survive you and be able to do the job for a good while thereafter.

They should be beyond reproach in terms of integrity and also have a skill set able to manage money and investments, as well as the bureaucracy of a trust (of which I will say more below).

The trustees will also be called upon to interact with your daughter and understand her needs. Trustees can be lay people or professionals. Professionals will charge for their time.

Sometimes a good combination is a lay person who knows the beneficiary personally, such as a family member or friend, and a professional trustee like a solicitor who can pick up and run with the formal side of managing a trust. But it is your choice.

In a situation like this where there is a trust beneficiary with significant health issues it may be possible to register the trust as a Vulnerable Person Trust. These types of trust get special tax treatment. The trustees will only be able to apply for this status after your death.

The type of trust is usually one that names one person (your daughter) as the principal beneficiary, and then some default beneficiaries after the principal has died.

Alternatively, there’s a fully discretionary trust where a class of beneficiaries is named (for instance “my descendants”) and you give separate guidance in a so-called Letter of Wishes as to how you wish the trustees to exercise their discretion (for instance “favour my daughter while she is alive and, after her death, my grandchildren”).

The point of the trust is to put a protective structure around your daughter and her inheritance. But the downside is the additional bureaucracy, tax burden and expense that will entail.

I have no way to sweeten that pill, apart from to say it is a least worst scenario compared to your daughter inheriting without a protective structure and spending the lot in short time, possibly on unsuitable products and/or services and, while she is still “in funds”, being vulnerable to financial abuse as well.

The administrative burden is that all new trusts must now be registered at HM Revenue and Customs, and also trusts which produce taxable income and/or capital gains tax must do an annual Trust and Estate Tax Return.

Also, trust investments should be managed well, or else the trustees are at risk of a claim for negligence. And all of these requirements for good management of a trust will no doubt incur professional fees. It is impossible to say what those fees will be without knowledge of the likely time to be spent and complexity of the case.

But to be blunt, for the reasons you set out in your question, I think these costs are a price worth paying so you have peace of mind that you have done your best to ensure that after your day, the chances of your daughter living well and peacefully have been optimised.

And your daughter should be grateful you have the wherewithal to think this through in good time.

‘Ask A Lawyer’ should not be taken as formal legal advice, but rather as a starting point for readers to undertake their own further research.


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  • https://www.msn.com/en-my/health/other/how-can-i-stop-my-mentally-ill-daughter-wasting-her-inheritance/ar-BB1j1T2f?ocid=00000000


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