10 Little Things You Can Do Every Day To Lose a Lot of Weight

10 Little Things You Can Do Every Day To Lose a Lot of Weight

With the dawn of the New Year here, countless people have made resolutions to slim down their waistlines and boost their overall health. From eating a more balanced diet to adopting a new exercise routine, there are plenty of natural approaches to getting healthier in 2024. But losing weight doesn't necessarily mean giving your lifestyle a total overhaul. Sometimes, it's the little daily actions that count. If your health and fitness goal this upcoming year is to blast away body fat and keep it off for good, look no further. We spoke with Mike Masi, CPT, a certified personal trainer at Garage Gym Reviews, who shares 10 easy daily habits for weight loss to shed more than just a few pounds.

According to a 2018 review published in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, the key to sustainable weight loss extends beyond diet and exercise. Studies suggest that the best approach to keeping weight off long-term involves adopting healthy lifestyle habits—engaging in regular physical activity, eating a healthy diet, not overeating, managing stress, and avoiding tobacco and alcohol. So, instead of taking on daunting lifestyle changes, you can achieve your weight-loss goals by tweaking your daily habits.

Keep reading to uncover which 10 easy daily habits for weight loss you can implement into your routine to melt excess pounds, according to Masi. And when you're finished, don't miss the 10 Best Ways To Keep Belly Fat Under Control in Your 40s & 50s.

  • https://www.msn.com/en-my/health/other/10-little-things-you-can-do-every-day-to-lose-a-lot-of-weight/ss-AA1mOKoT


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