Woman Loses 50 Pounds By Following Five Simple Rules

Woman Loses 50 Pounds By Following Five Simple Rules Albina Angan, 20, pictured before and after losing 50lbs. Angan has credited her weight loss to her new routine, which includes eating two meals a day, and reducing the amount of processed foods.

When Albina Angan, 20, relocated for work, she was so excited to start a new chapter of her life alongside her husband in Turkey. But what she hadn't expected was that her health would take a turn for the worst.

After moving to Istanbul in early 2023, Angan admits that she was deeply stressed with work, and she turned to food as her crutch in that difficult time. "I didn't even eat out of hunger, but just out of boredom, anger, and any other emotion I happened to feel," she told Newsweek.

In just two months, she gained 22 pounds and her weight peaked at 185lbs. Not only did she hate what she saw in the mirror, but she felt worse for it. Sleeping became difficult, she had less energy, and the symptoms of her polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) became unbearable.

When Angan's mother-in-law showed her a picture of herself, she admits that she felt horrified by what she saw on the screen. "My face looked swollen, I had a double chin, bags under my eyes. I decided that it was time to change something, but I just didn't know how to start," she said.

PCOS is a health condition that affects between 6 and 12 percent of women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The lifelong condition can impact a woman's fertility by preventing ovulation, as well as leading to irregular periods, excess hair growth, and insulin resistance.

For women who are insulin resistant, their body produces it, but cannot use it accordingly, so it's important that they monitor their diet and have regular exercise. The CDC explains that weight loss and physical activity can increase insulin sensitivity, which in turn can help to reduce the effects of PCOS.

There were many occasions in the past when Angan tried to shed a few pounds, but she could never sustain it, and she would find herself back at square one. She tried everything from herbal tea, eating five small meals a day, and drinking lots of water, but nothing ever seemed to work, leaving Angan feeling hopeless.

However, a discovery in April 2023 was the turning point for the 20-year-old, as she learned about the value of nutrition. The information showed her how best to nourish her body through nutritional science, and so she started to follow specific rules to help her lose weight.

As she began following her new plan, Angan started eating at 8 a.m., and then again at 4 p.m., and in just three months she shed 50lbs. She now maintains her weight at 132lbs. Although it certainly wasn't easy to follow such a strict regime at first, Angan admits that she noticed a difference in the first week.

"I was so proud of myself, it was as if I was a Victoria's Secret model," she joked.

She admits that she may have lost too much too quickly, as she wasn't expecting to lose the weight quite so rapidly. A healthier and steadier weight loss should see the individual shed 1 or 2 pounds per week, according to the CDC, which increases their likelihood of keeping the weight off.

Angan's New Routine:

  • Breakfast should be the largest meal of the day, containing plenty of protein.
  • Dinner should be half the size of breakfast, containing more vegetables.
  • There should be six to eight hours between breakfast and dinner.
  • There should be around 16 to 18 hours between dinner and breakfast overnight.
  • No more than 10 percent of your diet should be processed foods.

"It was very hard to continue with the diet, because due to the calorie deficit, I was angry, lethargic, sleepy, and often woke up at night. The lack of my favorite foods and the quick energy sources weakened me at first," Angan continued.

"I was surprised that the weight came off so quickly and that I kept it off for so long. Usually I would break down after a week, but day by day I realized that this was becoming my lifestyle."

Intermittent fasting might sound daunting, leaving you reaching for the nearest snack at the mere thought of going several hours without food. But according to functional health expert and author Dr. Mindy Pelz, it is incredibly beneficial for weight loss. Having encouraged many of her clients to try fasting, Dr. Pelz explained that it stabilizes a person's blood sugar, which can suppress their hunger and cravings.

"A lot of diets cause your blood sugar to yo-yo up and down throughout the day, which is why you end up starving a couple of hours after a meal. Ironically, not eating entirely can actually reduce your hunger," Dr. Pelz told Newsweek.

"Fasting for about 12 hours also switches your metabolism into a fat-burning mode called ketosis. Instead of using carbs for fuel, like most of us do, you start burning stored body fat."

Over the years, she's worked with people of all ages and body shapes and she insists that this dieting technique is safe. But if a person does become really hungry, they shouldn't be afraid to snack. When in need of a boost, she suggests avoiding snacks with carbs or protein, which will take the body out of its fast state.

"If you're hungry in the middle of an intermittent fast, I recommend something like half an avocado with some salt, a couple of tablespoons of nut butter, or a coffee blended with butter and MCT oil."

What Have Other People Said?

At the start of 2023, Angan may have never expected that she could be in such a happy and healthy position as the year draws to a close. Rather than losing more weight, she is now focused on maintaining her weight by nourishing her body with healthy, organic food, as well as keeping her PCOS symptoms at bay.

In September, she started sharing her weight loss story on TikTok (@albinaangan) to motivate others who may feel as helpless as she did many months ago, when every diet she tried ended with the scales going in the wrong direction.

Many of her TikTok videos have gone viral since they were posted, with one even achieving more than 795,000 views and 56,800 likes since October.

However, not everyone has praised Angan's weight loss regime, as she explained that some of her friends and family would try to force-feed her or tell her that her strict diet "was a disaster." While she doesn't like the negative reaction, she understands why people think it's extreme.

"Half the people online found my posts inspiring and motivating," Angan said. "I'm incredibly grateful to every person who reached out to me, left a comment, or simply believed in themselves after my videos. After all, for me, every wonderful reaction is the best gift."

All she wants to focus on is her own health and happiness, which she feels has been renewed since shedding the weight. "I must say that after a month, everything was restored, and I became much happier than before. Now, I sleep great, wake up easily, and my PCOS with insulin resistance is in remission.

"There is nothing better than a healthy body and mind. By giving your body clean food full of vitamins and minerals, you will become happier inside. There's much more happiness from a beautiful body and healthy self-esteem than happiness from overeating junk food."

Is there a health issue that's worrying you? Let us know via [email protected]. We can ask experts for advice, and your story could be featured on Newsweek.

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  • https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/woman-loses-50-pounds-by-following-five-simple-rules/ar-AA1jNvXL


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